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Already have plans? Then You need a..

3D Model

Bring us any plan from anywhere and we can turn it into a 3D model that you can navigate though all on your own! Bringing your 2D plans to life is invaluable and can help immensely in not only understanding the architecture but the overall flow of your home.

Having a 3D model is also so much more valuable than just pictures. You're able to see the same room from any angle/view and walk through any space you desire. We will also customize each space to any specifics you want, such as: furniture, finishes, lighting fixtures, etc.

Below is an example of the web version model that you would receive and a video showing the navigation on the viewer program version.

Disclaimer: Most models can be viewed best via the downloaded viewer by Chief Architect. At the bottom of the linked page below are the specific computer requirements for this program to work properly.

Mobile 3D Viewer | Chief Architect

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